We’re not here to be another cram school. 

STEM Education is great. But where is the student? Where is the development of the person in this thesis? While Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics are undoubtedly crucial, we believe education should nurture more than just technical skills. It should cultivate the entire individual.

That’s why we propose ACTA:

Awareness, Creativity, Teamwork, Action.

  • Awareness to reflect, inquire, and investigate ourselves and the world around us.

  • Creativity to explore potentials beyond our imagination and craft our own stories.

  • Teamwork to build collaborative skills and empathy for collective success. And lastly,

  • Action to change not only the world, but the world around us with meaning and clear intention. 

At Acta Academy, we’re focused on teaching what schools don’t. We don't just prepare students for tests; we prepare them for life. Our philosophy-oriented approach supports complete human development, helping young minds grow into well-rounded, thoughtful, and capable individuals.

Join us in reimagining education.

We are building a space that nurtures lifelong learners and soulful creators to inspire the New Renaissance

Our core curriculum

  • Critical Reading is a class designed for junior- and high school students to improve their English comprehension and Critical Thinking skills. The goal is to be able to read anything you are given to, because you are taught the fundamental skills to understand through inference and logic. Drawing from manifestos, research papers, classics, philosophy and beyond, Critical Reading is about becoming your own independent thinker with the ability to unlock everything you read by leveraging the keys that come with reading itself. That is empowerment.

    Critical Reading is offered at two levels: Standard Level and Higher Level. The former focuses on building the foundation to “read the reading;” that is, 1) develop the felt-ability to locate the core of the author’s argument, 2) construct appropriate scaffolds to interpret and argue, and 3) produce full-fledged opinions that are their own with confidence.

    The latter takes in already competent readers and challenges them to University-level texts. Here students are supported to respond and challenge the text with their own perspective and evidence. The Socratic method of class helps build students confidence and comprehension and this is a recursive class, each session focuses on a new theme and text.


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  • Quality Writing – Writing program for high school students to help unlock their authentic writing voice and develop their ideas. 

    Many times when we sit down to put pen to paper, we stare at a blank page, at a loss for what to say. 

    Quality writing course aims to help students practice consistently writing through those moments of blankness. Writing is a muscle that needs to be trained, rather than a talent that some have and others lack. Through a cyclical process of writing, feedback, reflection, and writing again, students will gain the tools they need to be a better disciplined writer. 

    Writing allows us to unlock our thoughts and feelings and process them when we see them on paper. 

    Whether in 1-on-1 or group class settings, students will share their writings and discuss their thinking process


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  • Creative Storytelling – English writing class for elementary school children to learn story structure, world-building, character development, and write their own original short story! Students will dive into what makes a good story, learn descriptive and impactful writing, and develop their writing “voice”. 

    The class centers around teaching Joseph Campbell’s “Hero’s Journey” – a narrative framework that describes a hero's adventure through a cycle of departure, initiation, and return, ultimately leading to personal transformation and growth. The Hero’s Journey teaches us that life is full of phases and each phase brings with it new conflicts that we – the hero of our own lives – must grapple with. In learning the Hero’s Journey, students will learn to apply the journey to their own lives and investigate their relationship with conflict. Ultimately, the way we react to conflict and our relationship to it will change how we experience our journeys and the choices we make. By writing their own short stories, students will learn to understand the connection of conflict and growth in their own lives, and develop a “growth-focused” mindset!


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  • Film School Taipei is our new offering, targeting the gap for true hands-on filmmaking for students in Taiwan.

    Our number one goal is to create a “zero to one-hundred” filmmaking program that teaches students the full suite of skills required for quality filmmaking. The purpose is for beginners to be introduced into the world of cinema, novice filmmakers to become knowledgeable and self-sufficient, and expert filmmakers to continue to expand through their projects. As iron sharpens iron, so one expert sharpens another.

    Starting from 5th grade to 10th grade, students can enroll in FST programs and learn the basics of storytelling (scripting, storyboarding, shots), production, filming, directing, and editing. Students will each script their own short stories, draw the storyboards, evaluate feasibility and financial operations through pre-production, and together produce and shoot one short film elected by the standards of quality, feasibility, and creativity. Each student will get to edit the story based on their own interpretation and preference. This offers a unique opportunity to see how — even with the exact same raw materials — the story can be told in dramatically different ways, learning as each student shares their short film with their peers. By the end of the process, the final film will represent the summation of the cohorts work, and will be submitted to suitable film festivals around the world, accumulating both worthy portfolio pieces and meritable accolades along the way.

    As with all art, the beauty of filmmaking is that one improves with repetition. FST’s programs are thus consciously designed to be recursive: that is, students are encouraged to sign up again and again, bringing back old works and improving upon past experiences with intention. Over time, students will polish both their stories and themselves as storytellers. The hope is that by the time they find themselves on any film set in college or beyond, they are already irreplaceable assets for the community from Day 1.

    Curriculum Detail:

    During school season, Production X will be once a week, three hours each class, for a total of 8 weeks. A summer intensive version of Production X is Monday, Wednesday, Friday, three hours each class, for three weeks. Except for principal photography (on-set production and filming) which must be in-person, both pre-production and post-production can be done online, allowing for international students on a hybrid model of the program. As the program develops, the ultimate vision is to transform Taiwan into Asia’s hub for youth filmmaking and festivals.




“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.”

― Dr. Seuss

“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.” ― Dr. Seuss

Community learning…

…FOR the big kids Too

About Our Space:
Where are the classroom walls?

Our unique space features an expansive, open floor plan that reimagines the conventional classroom. With no walls to constrain ideas or collaboration, this fluid space encourages the free flow of creative energy.

By breaking down physical barriers, we're breaking down mental ones too. This open concept challenges students to think beyond traditional learning methods, encouraging them to explore new perspectives and approaches. The absence of rigid structures mirrors our commitment to flexible, adaptive education that prepares students for a rapidly changing world.

At ACTA, we're not just teaching; we're nurturing independent thinkers and innovators. Our space is designed to push students beyond their comfort zones, challenging them to develop and articulate their own ideas. Here, creativity isn't just encouraged - it's essential. At ACTA, we're redefining what a learning space can be.

The inspiration for “Acta”


The play is over, applaud. - Last words of Emperor Augustus.

Metaphorically, life is a play. Literally, life is play.

Play is at the core of what we believe in. Understanding what are the roles each of us take on in our lives – as students, friends, parents, creatives, teachers, and so many more. How do we move inside these roles, while at the same time, how do they change us? Being aware of the roles we have is the key to our freedom to then play with and within these roles, and change the rules! From here we experience the energy of play, joy, creativity, experimentation, and discovery. 

What makes me a better student? A better listener? A better companion? What role do I want to try, and what roles no longer serve me?

This is the inspiration of our name: the play of life that each of us finds ourselves in, living day in and day out. Through the act of playing, each of us have the opportunity to explore, ask questions, discover, and most importantly, grow!


Having fun 是我們的核心理念。我們在生命中都扮演著各種不同的角色 ——作為學生、朋友、父母、工作夥伴、教師等等。我們究竟是如何在這些角色中穿梭,又如何因自己所扮演的角色給影響及改變? 自由正是當我們意識到:不論什麼角色,我都可以做最好的演出!從這裡我們可以學習到每個身分所帶來的成長及快樂,從這裡,我們可以體驗到玩樂中的力量、驚喜、創造力、和發現。

